Privacy Policy

Protection of the Privacy of Personal Non-Public Information

Consumer privacy is integral to every part of our business. Our Privacy Policy is meant to ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of how we maintain our consumer information so that you have the peace of mind of knowing that it is private and secure. This notice explains how you can limit our disclosing of personal information about you. This notice applies to past, current, and future consumers unless we state otherwise.

Sources of collected data:

  • Information you provided through telephone or web-based applications, surveys, online chat, client service correspondence or general feedback

  • Information you provided by third parties such as lead buy partners, data brokers and credit bureaus

  • Information you provided when getting a product or a service from us provided through our website or social media channels

Ways we might use your data:

  • Auditing

  • Qualifying

  • Marketing (unless you’ve opted out)

  • Fraud detection

  • Services Rendered

  • Internal research

  • Quality control

Reasons we might share your data with third parties:

  • Auditing

  • Qualifying

  • Detecting fraud

  • Providing services

  • Internal research

  • Quality control

With your consent, we’ll share your personal data and contact info with third parties for marketing, analytics, and pre-populating your information for a better consumer experience.

We never sell your data.

You have a right to know what personal data we’ve collected about you, what data we’ve shared, who we’ve shared your data to, and what data we’ve shared for business purposes. If you’d like to review, access, revise or delete personal data we’ve collected about you, please contact us directly at: